$ whoami

Hey, my name is Léon Nedic and I am the owner of this website. I am very interested in almost everything that has to do with IT and especially cyber security. But also other things like programming or 3D printing fascinate me and there is so much more to learn in the big world of computer science. This website is supposed to become an online portal on which I can upload some projects I work on to help other people solving problems and getting into all this, just like me. Disclaimer: I am not a professional yet, but this website may be part of my journey of becoming one ;).

Léon Nedic
$ def goals():

My goals in the near future are to get deep into cyber security now that I have graduated in summer 2024. And of course, the long term aim is to learn as much as possible in IT and to have fun doing so.

$ cyber security --help

If you like my website and want to start out as well by yourself I can recommend you some of my sources to learn everything in IT and especially cyber security such as the YouTube channels of David Bombal and Networkchuck, who is the reason why this website exists. Just go watch his video about why you need a website “right now!!”, he will convince you to create your own ;). If you are looking for a beginner-friendly webiste to get into cyber security you should check out TryHack me. There are several free courses and you will learn a lot with every single day you use it. If you rather want to become a hacker like they are seen in movies, Hak5 is your perfect vendor for hacking gadgets such as the famous USB Rubber Ducky known from the series Mr. Robot. It’s great fun and was also my personal start into cyber security when I received a Rubber Ducky from my father. Just plug it in and it will run a keystroke injection of your choice.